The day my heart broke

2023 April 07 - 09

Created by Stacie one year ago

I never thought i would have to make such a heart breaking decision in my life.  After my 20 week scan the sonographer referred me to a consultant at fetal medicine which he clarified my baby had serious abnormalities, he said chase had serious type spynabifider hole in his heart, his head was not formed properly, horse shaped kidneys it would of been to much for a tiny baby to go through  my consultant spoke to me about my options. I had to put my feelings aside and think what is the best for my baby? I went with the termination as my baby was too poorly. It has broke me mentally and physically and im numb filled with so much guilt no mother shiuld have to make that decision its the worse thing. He will always be cherished and loved by all his family and will celebrate his life as if he was with us. 
